The Internet Golf Database (IGDB) is the most complete, accurate, accessible and useful source of basic information about golf courses and golf industry participants. Apparation LLC is the creator and distributor of the IGDB.
Major components of the IGDB are outlined below.
Directory of Facilities, Courses and Contacts
A Who’s Who of the golf industry, with tens of thousands of entries about entities and people who are involved in the golf industry. The public version enables anyone to view the public Golf Facility Directory. IGDB subscribers can access detail and analytic tools that power the marketing and research activities of many golf industry participants.
Golf Software Wars Survey
Apparation is the only organization that proactively monitors market share information for golf course management software companies and other golf industry software products, providing industry participants with critical insights on the evolution of the golf industry software markets.
To subscribe to the IGDB Directory or the Golf Software Wars Survey, contact Apparation LLC using the links found at
IT Matters
Golf course operators and other golf industry participants are increasingly reliant on information technology to increase the value of their businesses. Apparation publishes weekly podcasts on golf industry IT products and trends. If you believe that “IT Matters” for golf industry participants, subscribe to to IT Matters here. It’ll be one of the best investments you’ve ever made.